Friday, 14 May 2010


After the Bristol team left, I was apprehensive about the usage due to long summer break, but some of the children are regular users now, spending around two hours at a stretch. The initial fascination with the interactive table, at the Radico center, has become an addiction for these kids. Every morning, around 7.30 I get calls from them to confirm participation, followed by calls from their parents to cross check the "story". Whenever these groups walk in, they have 1 or 2 new members. With no adults or cameras around, they are more confident and vocal.
BTW we need to figure out an alternative for the alt+F.
Going forward, we will be organising a workshop for the content creation. Shifted the other table to the NIIT University today and next week onwards children from neighbouring villages will get exposure to these tables.

1 comment:

  1. Its great to see that the students are using the table regularly even during the summer break.

    Have you asked any of them to create a new application instead of just reusing our two old ones.
